

Examples of conditions treated:
Muscle Spasms
Rheumatic Pain
Headaches arising from the neck (Cervicogenic)
Digestion Problems
Arthritic Pain
Frozen Shoulder
Tennis Elbow
Circulatory Disorders
Muscular Pain
Shoulder Pain
Joints and Muscles
Neck Pain
Back Pain

Osteopathy is a health care approach which specialises in treating musculoskeletal problems and supporting well-being.

Osteopaths believe that the whole body will work well if it is in good structural balance, so as well as treating the problem area, we also try to identify and target other areas which may be contributing.

Treatment is tailored to each patient, with consideration of the problem within the context of your life and medical history.

Osteopathy can be helpful for a wide range of problems. Treatment may include gentle massage, stretching and movement of the joints and muscles, to help ease pain, encourage your body’s natural healing mechanisms, and promote health. Exercises and postural advice may also be given.

Just Ears is an external service that operate out of The Tonbridge Clinic. Please see their website for more info.
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